I designed a non-profit organization that takes unwanted stuff off of your hands, and right into the hands of people in your community who need it most. Through partnering with various local charities and understanding their needs, Unburden makes intentional generosity more accessible and easy in the lives of busy people.


UNBURDEN | In-class project

My Role:
Concept Creation
Logo Design
November 2019


Intentional downsizing and minimalism is no doubt changing lives for the better. However, many people in the pursuit of minimalism get overwhelmed with what to do with the boxes of stuff they don’t want anymore. My goal was to design a solution that would help this process unfold in an intentional and impactful way. 

Through my research, I determined that people downsizing need to be empowered to make a difference through a streamlined, simple, and straight-forward approach to stuff removal. This was achieved by creating a service that does all the heavy-lifting, yet still leaves users more educated, empowered, and action-oriented than before.

My process was divided in to 4 main parts. Research/Defining the Problem, Conceptualization, Design, and Revision. Throughout every step of the process, I was thoroughly evaluating my content through the lens of my target audience, and receiving critique and feedback in order to ensure that my solution would be effective. Below are some of my early sketches of logos and iconography.



I took time to research non-profit organizations locally and determine what kind of items they are in need of. From clothes hangers to bed frames, I was able to comprehend how Unburden could make a difference through the power of informed donation. 
Below, you will see that through this webpage I was able to educate and inspire my audience with the information I found. This was achieved by showing exactly how booking unburden could benefit their community by partnering with specific organizations.


Everything about unburden was designed to feel positive and welcoming. From using bright colors to selecting friendly typography, all design choices were made to communicate the accessibility of practicing generosity and enhance the already fantastic feeling that comes with getting rid of unnecessary stuff.




Customers access unburden through the unburden website. Here, they can see the impact that unburden makes on the community, they can read up on the benefits of giving stuff away, and they can book unburden. 

The customer has two options: they can either take their stuff to the unburden warehouse themselves, or, for a small fee, unburden will come pick up as much or as little stuff as you have directly from your house. From there, it is delivered to local non-profits in need.






The ad campaign I created was intended to communicate the simplicity of the unburden process. Generosity can be practiced from the comfort of your own home with unburden!


Through this project, I gained insight into the analytical thinking that goes into creating even the most seemingly small details within brand design. When you’re closely familiar with the problem, you’re going to be much more likely to find an effective solution and ways to support it through design. By empathizing with my target audience and understanding their needs, I was able to design a process that solves their stresses, while leaving the world a better place in the process.
